
Our Mission

  Ovarian Cancer, the third leading cancer-related death, has affected the lives of millions of women worldwide. Ovarian cancer occurs in 1 in 57 women (www.ovarian-news.org). Our goal, as an organization, is to educate women and spread awareness about Ovarian Cancer, including risks, signs, and early detection. Early detection is key to fighting Ovarian Cancer. The lower the stage of the cancer (the earlier it is detected), the higher the chance of recovery and remission.  We are dedicated to informing our community about the options for early detection while inspiring hope for fighters, survivors, and the loved ones of women who have been taken by this cancer. The Jags Solanki Memorial Fund for Ovarian Cancer will host events and awareness campaigns to help our community aspire for a stronger, healthier tomorrow.


 Team Jags is proud to announce the UC Davis Comprehensive Cancer Center as our primary beneficiary. UC Davis leads the nation in cutting edge cancer research and supports our mission to bring awareness to ovarian cancer. The Jags Solanki Memorial Fund for Ovarian Cancer will also continue to donate money to local hospitals in the northern California region. Previous beneficiaries include Saint Joseph’s Medical Center in Stockton, California.

 Team Jags will continue to partner with progressive cancer research facilities in northern California and work with UC Davis to continue to push for ovarian cancer research. Our goal is to help fund the research that would lead to early detection of the ovarian cancer disease.

Visit UC Davis Comprehensive Cancer Center Online